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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Small tribute to our beloved teachers

We’re grateful for you,
You bought light in our lives,
Showered immense care,
With no disguise in heart you kept;

Not just you taught to program with mains( ),
You taught us how to program our lives;
We hide our face to the questions you encounter,
You point us out and explore the hidden talet;

Submitting assignments at the last dates,
Feeling within we did something great;
Mass bunked the class as we were on a fair,
Still not daring to face when you stare;
Waiting for the silly smile on your face,
To laugh aloud as we won the race;
Awaiting the last period to end,
To fetch the window seat we ran;
Still we boast ourselves a hundred times,
For the slightest appreciation you ever made.

What you’re is all for us,
Than what you ever did;
We love you, we need you to debug and care,
You’re the one to whom we adhere;

We lack words to let you know,
How much you mean for us;
You hide your tears in smile,
And teach us to live worthwhile.

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